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(Chartered Accountants)
One Stop Solution For All Your Accounting Needs..
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[icon icon=”th-large” size=”small” style=”solid”][/icon] About Us
SINGH ANAND AND ASSOCIATES (Chartered Accountants) is a CA firm staffed by professionals with tax, accounting, financial and problem solving backgrounds located in New Delhi, India. Our firm believes that numbers are your friends and if they’re not – we can introduce you.
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[icon icon=”magic” size=”small” style=”solid”][/icon] Our Vision
SINGH ANAND AND ASSOCIATES (Chartered Accountants) was established in the year 2010 with the aim of providing a wide range of accounting and financial services to clients in India and across the world and aspires to be recognized as a quality service provider globally.
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[icon icon=”gift” size=”small” style=”solid”][/icon] Our Expertise
We are a team of chartered accountants in India, with vast knowledge and professional experience, serving its clients and specialises in the fields of accounting, auditing, taxation, foreign investments along with a host of other financial services with its base at New Delhi, India.
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Our Firm
We’re a group of professionals advocating strongly for our clients. Our growth has been based on word of mouth, one client recommending us to another. Our strongest assets are the people that we hire and their dedication to our clients dota 2 betting. We’ve got almost a century of wisdom between us
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Why Us
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- Experienced Team
- Quick Actions
- Dedicated Support Team
- 24×7 Support
- Satisfied clientele